7 Best Gifts for Coffee Lovers This Holiday Season

Christmas is just around the corner and the air is filled with festive spirit— the streets are decorated with colourful lights, shops are playing cheerful holiday music, and everyone is shopping for gifts to give their loved ones at parties. 

If you’re not sure what to give your coffee-loving family and friends (or even yourself), you’re in the right place. We’ve researched the top 7 trending coffee makers and accessories for the holiday season and into 2023 to help you find the perfect gift. Read along to discover which equipment we believe can drastically improve every coffee enthusiast’s brewing experience at home or on the go.



1. AeroPress Coffee Maker

Looking for a gift for someone who’s a coffee lover and an avid traveller? The AeroPress is the preferred coffee maker of those who likes brewing high-quality coffee on their travels, and that’s why it’s on top of our list. This lightweight and sturdy coffee maker can brew small amounts of concentrated coffee in less than two minutes. It does use paper filters, however, which can be a hassle if you’re exploring the great outdoors or trying to minimise waste. 

If you’re looking for a more sustainable and compact coffee maker that brews using pressure, much like the AeroPress, we have a solution for you: the Trinity Zero Mini Press. It’s made from 100% recyclable materials and has a reusable steel filter, so you won’t have to worry about buying and disposing of paper filters. 

Designed to brew a strong and flavourful cup in under 60 seconds, it’s compact enough to fit in your bag or pocket, making it super convenient for coffee lovers who need a quick caffeine fix at work or on their outdoor adventures. 

2. Pour-over Coffee Drippers

Making brewed coffee doesn’t have to be complicated and expensive— you just have to have the right tools. Pour-over coffee drippers are perfect for those who prefer making brewed coffee without a machine. With a dripper, filter, and kettle, you can enjoy the subtle and complex flavours of your coffee beans. 

Pour-over coffee drippers, like the Hario V60, come in simple but elegant designs. They also allow you to control the taste, texture, and strength of the brew, which you can make within three minutes. Having pour-over coffee drippers will surely bring a rewarding experience for coffee enthusiasts who love experimenting with their brew and enjoying their morning coffee rituals. 

3. Gooseneck Kettle 

For those who love manually brewing barista-style coffee at home, the gooseneck kettle is another must-have. Its elongated spout lets you control how much water is poured over the coffee grounds, which gives you a more balanced and consistent brewing experience. This excellent pour-over dripper companion also makes brewing easier for those with wrist problems. A simple back-and-forth motion works just fine even if you don’t have much strength in your hands. 

The gooseneck kettle is available in various designs that are often sleek and modern, which will definitely look good on every coffee enthusiast’s kitchen countertop.   

Go for a gooseneck kettle and enjoy consistently flavourful cups of coffee at home.

4. Toddy Cold Brew System 

Beat the summer heat with refreshing and strong, yet smooth cold brew coffee from the Toddy Cold Brew System. 

Unlike traditional coffee brewing methods, the Toddy Cold Brew System doesn’t use hot water and it extracts less acidity into your cup, so you can enjoy sweet and delicious ice-cold coffee without much discomfort. It only has four main parts, which can be set up and disassembled effortlessly, and it can hold up to 37 ounces of liquid, so one batch can last for days. 

If you prefer brewing small batches, you can opt for the Toddy Artisan Small Batch Cold Brewer. Just like the Toddy Cold Brew System, it requires minimal setup and holds 17 oz. (500 mL) of cold brew, so you can easily tuck it into your refrigerator door. 

By the way, if you’re a new cold brew convert looking for easy-to-make coffee, you can try our Cold Brew Bundle Pack. It comes with cold brew drip bags and a Hario brewing jug so you can enjoy your coffee even without a kettle or cold brew equipment. Plus, you get a Pug glass tumbler so you can stay energised at work or take your cold brew on your next adventure! 



5. Coffee Grinder 

Great-tasting coffee comes from good coffee beans with the freshest grind, which is why a grinder is an essential investment for every coffee lover. Nothing beats the power of freshly ground beans when it comes to brewing coffee. Not only do they add an irresistible aroma to your cup, but they also release incredible flavours that may rival the ones you get from your favourite coffee shop. 

If you want to immerse yourself in your morning coffee rituals, the manual grinder is perfect for you. The Laughing Pug Manual Coffee Grinder is a more compact and budget-friendly option that lets you experience a fresh cup of coffee anytime, anywhere. It has 18 click settings that give you control over the coarseness of your coffee, from espresso-style to cold brew while keeping the fresh, tasty flavours of your coffee beans. 

However, if you want to get consistent grounds but don’t have extra 10 minutes in the morning, you can opt for an electric coffee grinder. It’s quicker and more convenient— all you have to do is put the coffee beans into the machine and it will do the work for you. 

Manual or electric, a coffee grinder is an ideal tool for having the best coffee-making experience. 

(Oh and while you’re here, don’t forget to check out our Whole Beans selection. Enjoy premium organic coffee beans in 7 delicious flavours. From nutty medium roast to rich and creamy dark roast blends, we got you covered! Check them out here.) 

6. Espresso Tamper

Every coffee lover who owns an espresso maker knows a proper tamper is necessary in order to pull the best espresso shot possible. When the tamped coffee grounds are tightly compressed, the water will flow evenly and extract delicious oils from the coffee.

There are many different types of espresso tampers to choose from. Some espresso lovers say rounded tampers are the more suitable option while others may argue that flat-bottomed tampers are better, but it all boils down to your preference. 

When looking for the ideal tamper, one should consider the size, weight, and style. First of all, your tamper must be the appropriate size for your portafilter basket. To find the right size, you can take a look at your espresso machine’s user manual; the standard measuring units are in millilitres (mL). You should also consider the weight and how it feels in your hand to avoid injury from tamping too much. 

Espresso tampers come in all sorts of materials and colours, from wood to stainless steel, to black and bright red. You won’t run out of options to accessorise your espresso station.

Find the ideal coffee tamper to pull espresso shots with fuller and more satisfying flavours.

7. Tamping Mat 

While it’s true that using a tamping mat doesn’t affect the taste of your brew, having one will improve your at-home coffee-making experience and here’s why: tamping mats protect your equipment from damage and minimise spillage by standing as a barrier between the metal of the portafilter and the surface of your kitchen counter. Because they’re made of anti-slip rubber, they make tamping more precise and avoid potential  injuries on your arms and shoulders.

If you don’t want to risk scratching your furniture while making your morning cup, a tamping mat is an accessory that is worth buying.



And there you have it! From inexpensive brewing equipment to high-quality coffee accessories, we hope you found something that can elevate your coffee game and share the incredible gift of at-home coffee-making this holiday season. 

What are you getting for yourself this Christmas? Let us know in the comments! 

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